Seilbahn Neubau 2023 und 2024

Endlich ist es soweit! Auch die neue Kabinenseilbahn Ochsenkopf Süd in Fleckl wurde termingerecht fertiggestellt und am 6. Dezember feierlich eröffnet. Nun können Sie auch auf der Ochsenkopf Südseite bei unvergesslichen Ausblicken den Komfort und die Geschwindigkeit unserer neuen Einseil-Kabinenumlaufbahn genießen! Die Seilbahnen Ochsenkopf Süd und Nord sind regulär täglich in Betrieb! 

Foto: S. Werner-Ney

alpine, cross country, hiking, sledging

Winter at Ochsenkopf

The Ochsenkopf mountain is not only an incomparable cross country area. There are the longest ski slopes in northern Bavaria. Enjoy fantastic landscapes on romantic hiking trails, experience unforgetable moments at our toboggan runs. Check out the skiing schools at Ochsenkopf mountain - it doesn’t matter if you want to refresh your skills, begin by yourself or attend a course in one of our local skiing schools, everyone can enjoy a day at the Ochsenkopf’s ski-tows and ropeways.

About our Ochsenkopf Mountain

The Ochsenkopf Mountain a must-see in Franconia - 1024 m above the sea level. The second highest mountain in the Fichtelgebirge area can be reached by two ropeways, one at each side of the mountain. It is the highest situated touristic-developed area in Northern Bavaria. Full of adventures and attractions. The Ochsenkopf Mountain is in summer as in winter a place always worth a visit. No matter if you come with your family, on your own, as a sportsman, a local or a tourist - the Ochsenkopf Mountain is always an experience.

Summer at Ochsenkopf mountain

The Ochsenkopf Mountain is the place to spend your spare time: With well-marked hiking trails, many sights, toboggan run "Alpine Coaster", downhill- and single trails (not at summer 2024) at one of the highest mountains in Franconia!

clear sky


-2,1 °C
2,3 m/s
East NorthEast (77°)
clear sky


-2,8 °C
2,36 m/s
East NorthEast (78°)
  • Gondola North and South are daily open - main slope North is open, main slope South is closed!
  • Area for beginners North and South are open daily!
  • Groups of pedestrians are invited to use the Gondola South (Fleckl)
  • The toboggan run "Alpine Coaster" is currently closed.

As of January, 18th of 2025

Gondola GD10-North Bischofsgruen

gerade geöffnet 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Today open from 9 am until 4 pm!

Main slope North is open!


Chairlift South Fleckl

gerade geöffnet 09:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Today open from 9 am until 4 pm!

Ski tow valley station North

gerade geöffnet 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Beginners area is open from 10 am until 4 pm.

Get your tickets at the main cash desk at the valley station of the cable car.

Ski tow valley station South

gerade geöffnet 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Beginners area is open from 10 am until 4 pm.

Get your tickets at the main cash desk at the valley station of the cable car.

Toboggan run Alpine Coaster Bischofsgrün

gerade geschlossen 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr

Currently closed.


The general condition of the single trails and the hiking trails at Ochsenkopf Mountain


More Information on "Summer".

The general condition of the slopes, the X-Country trails, and the winter hiking trails at Ochsenkopf Mountain

teilweise schlecht

Die Hauptabfahrt Nord ist bei optimalen Bedingungen geöffnet, die Hauptabfahrt Süd (Naturschneeabfahrt) wegen zu geringer Schneeauflage gesperrt. Die beiden Anfängerlifte an den Talstationen sind ebenfalls bei guten Bedingungen geöffnet. Die Loipen um den Ochsenkopf sind teilweise bedingt begehbar und auch präpariert. Allerdings ist die Schneeauflage sehr gering und es kommen vermehrt vereiste, verschmutzte und auch schneefreie Stellen zum Vorschein. Ein maschinelles Präparieren ist erst nach erneutem Schneefall möglich. Die meisten Wanderwege sind stark vereist.

Valley run North

sehr gut

Open. Good conditions in general.

Valley run South

sehr schlecht

Currently closed - officially locked!

Ski tow North


Daily open with good conditions.

Ski tow South


Daily open with good conditions.

untere Ringloipe

teilweise schlecht

Partly prepared (East side between Middle Station Gondola North and "Schmiererweg".

obere Ringloipe

teilweise schlecht

Not fresh prepared. Interferences due to a lack of snow.


teilweise schlecht

Not fresh prepared. Interferences due to a lack of snow.


teilweise schlecht

Not fresh prepared. Interferences due to a lack of snow.

Webcams vom Ochsenkopf!

Live-Bilder vom Ochsenkopf. Die Bilder werden alle 30 Sekunden automatisch aktualisiert.

Coaster at the valley station North